Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 8- Aloe, Goldenrod and Seed gathering!

First off, here is one of the body movement poems the kids really love. Their favorite part is shooting up like a rocket, of course!

 Several of our favorite "Plant Songs" come from a cd I checked out at the library--Sing a Song of Seasons by Rachel Buchman. You might want to check it out and listen at home!

Our plant to add to our gardens on Friday was Aloe Vera.  We drew it in our Plant Encyclopedia section of the journals and learned lots of interesting facts about the plant.  

 Then we read the fable about the Goldenrod plant, so we added that to our journals, too! 

 We'd been talking a lot about parts of plants--and even the parts we eat.  I brought some carrots from my garden to show everyone.  The kids were surprised by all the tiny roots all over the carrot--and we talked about the fact that the part we eat is the taproot. 

 Then I brought out some greenbeans, and we talked about beans being seeds.  That sure surprised the kids!

 We had been soaking lima beans in water--the kids had peeled off the seed coats and opened the cotyledons to look at the baby embryo inside.  Now we rechecked the unused seeds and boy were they swollen!  They were starting to stink, too, so we decided we'd try planting them outside later in the day. 

 We planted grass seeds in babyfood jars--we're eager to watch the roots from the glass sides!

 Then we went on a seed walk.  We used a big piece of clear tape and walked around in the field searching for seeds to stick on our tape.  Everyone LOVED this activity--I'd recommend trying it at home with your kiddos again!  They will surprise you how good they are at finding seeds!  This is lots of fun and we found so many different types of seeds!

 Here we are planting the bean seeds along the fence. 

 And here's the playground where we get some exercise every day!
 Taking our gardens back to their little spot under the stairs. 

 Look at that concentration on Raymond's face!  These are heavy boxes for the little ones!

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