Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 2--The Library!

 Tuesday was our first visit to the library.  6 friends got their first library cards!  We have 2 more friends whose cards weren't ready, so their Mom's will go get them this week.  Now every child in our summer program has a library card and will check out new books each week!  Look at how proud we are to be card-carrying library patrons!

 We took a tour of the children's section, chose new books, read at the tables, and had a storytime with a few books from Ms. Rosa. 

 Kevin had already started reading his book at the table when it was time to move over for group storytime.  Kevin tried really hard to leave it closed and listen to Ms. Rosa read, but that book was just tooooo good.   He had it in his lap and read a few more pages during story time.  I love this!   So exciting to see kids too addicted to their book to put it away!  Way to go, Kevin!

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